What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), also called PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disorder) is a commonly occurring condition in women due to hormonal imbalance.

About 1 in 5 (20%) women in the reproductive age group (12-40 years) suffer from PCOS with varied symptoms.

PCOS arises from hormonal imbalance, mainly due to improper hormone production from the brain, higher male hormone production (androgen) and body’s inability to properly use insulin (insulin resistance).

This imbalance leads to disruption of the normal menstrual cycle, which may manifest as infertility. PCOS is thought to be one of the most common causes of infertility.

Ideally one egg should be released every month for a woman in the reproductive age. Multiple follicles start developing, one matures and releases the egg under normal circumstances. However due to hormonal imbalance, multiple follicles may start maturing but not release the egg and remain in the ovaries as fluid-filled sacs or cysts, which cause further hormonal disruption and the cycle continues leading to irregular periods and other symptoms.

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. The root of hormonal imbalance in some cases is thought to be either genetic or lifestyle-related.

Femcare Fertility is a centre known for providing holistic PCOS care.

Common Signs, Symptoms and long-term effects of PCOS:

Common symptoms are:

  • Irregular or absent periods for months
  • Inability to get periods without medication
  • Abnormally heavy bleeding and longer periods
  • Lower abdominal pain, cramps
  • Sudden increase in weight and obesity
  • Increased hair growth on the face, chest, back, arms
  • Hair loss pattern similar to males (thinner hair on the scalp area)
  • Oily skin leading to facial and back acne
  • Abnormal skin darkening around the neck, armpits

Long-term risks:

  • Infertility
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Risk of endometrial cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease

Pregnancy risks:

  • Diabetes in pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
  • High blood pressure and risk of early delivery
  • Miscarriage risk

Not all women have all these signs and symptoms, however, it is important to consult a specialist at the earliest if you observe some of the signs.

PCOS may be confirmed by certain blood tests and sonography to check for multiple ovarian cysts.

PCOS Treatment in Pune

The earlier the diagnosis and management, better is the restoration of hormonal imbalance, menstruation, fertility and reduction of long-term effects.

There is no specific cure for PCOS but it can be managed through various means symptomatically.

Lifestyle modifications

For weight control by diet and regular exercise to manage PCOS. Reduction in 5-10% of weight can help with relieve in PCOS symptoms. Stress management by meditation can also help.

There are various PCOS diets which include balanced, healthy meals comprising of ample proteins, unsaturated fats, vegetables, fruits, fluids, and anti-oxidant rich foods. Processed, junk food, high in sugars and unhealthy fats are to be avoided.

Our experts at Femcare Fertility can help you curate a personalised PCOS diet plan based on your lifestyle and food habits which will not make diet seem like a punishment and also help with PCOS naturally.


Hormonal imbalance can be controlled by certain medications to reduce androgens and insulin resistance thereby regularising ovulation and periods, lessening acne and abnormal hair growth, improving fertility, and controlling sugar.

Ones usually used are oral contraceptive pills, ovulation induction medicines or injections and diabetes medication, as per the doctor’s discretion.


It is not a regularly used option but maybe tried in women when other means don’t seem to work.

One surgery that has shown success in reducing PCOS symptoms is ovarian drilling laparoscopically, wherein some parts of the ovary are perforated to reduce the androgen levels and control PCOS.

Another surgical option is cyst aspiration to remove the fluid in the cysts and provide relief.

Assisted reproduction

IUI or IVF are also known to be successful in cases where no other options have proven helpful. However, there remains a more-than-normal risk of ovarian hyperstimulation, which needs to be monitored.

If managed appropriately in time, PCOS can be controlled, long term effects can be prevented and parenthood dreams for a couple can be fulfilled.

We, at Femcare fertility, believe that PCOS is the last thing that should hinder your fertility. We specialise in PCOS management in the most natural manner making your health and well-being a priority.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment Cost In Pune

The major cost involved in PCOS management starts with the diagnosis. It is important to have a correct diagnosis in order to provide appropriate treatment and avoid unnecessary costs to the patient.

The cost of treatment depends mainly on the goal and symptoms of the patient.

The PCOS specialist at Femcare fertility strives to provide the best quality PCOS treatment at the lowest cost in Pune.


1. How is PCOS diagnosed?

There are 3 major signs of which the presence of any 2 can indicate PCOS:

  1. An increased amount of androgens/ testosterone – by blood tests (FSH, testosterone, etc) and indirectly through signs like acne, hirsutism (increased abnormal hair growth), period irregularities
  2. Issues with ovulation – Irregular/absent periods for a long time, which can be gauged by detailed history taking
  3. Polycystic ovaries – detected on sonography

2. Can PCOS be reversed by itself?

Though there is no specific treatment for PCOS, it needs to be managed by an expert before the symptoms become unmanageable. It is not possible for PCOS to be cured by itself without intervention.

3. Natural ways to manage PCOS?

Diet – healthy whole foods, soy protein, iron, folic acid, vitamin supplements, vit D, zinc. Try going natural/ organic or homemade on foods as processed foods have sugars and chemicals which may worsen the hormonal balance. Exercise, stress reduction and good sleep also help with controlling PCOS.

Not everyone can just do with natural means and may require medication. Always keep your doctor in the loop.

4. Will I never get pregnant if I have PCOS?

This is absolutely untrue. It will be difficult to get pregnant and will require treatment and patience but pregnancy is certainly achievable for women with PCOS.

5. Will there be any risks/ effects of PCOS during pregnancy?

There is an increased risk of gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, early delivery, and miscarriages for women with PCOS, however, an expert gynaecologist and doctors can monitor and manage these risks.

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